Ferro Silicon

Ferro Silicon

Ferrosilicon is used to reduce metals from their oxides and to deoxidize steel and other ferrous alloys as a silicon source. Ferro Silicon is a silicon and iron alloy. Silicon serves as a potent oxidant in steel. Used mainly in particular steels and in mild steel in limited quantities. Ferro silicon is also used to make silicon, ferrous silicon alloys that are corrosion-proof and high-temperature resistant, and silicon steel for electro motors and transformer cores.

Ferrosilicon (FeSi) is an alloy of silicon and iron with a very high silicon content of between 10% and 90%. It is used as a master alloy in steel manufacturing, which is added in small quantities in order to change the properties of the melt, the freezing process and the final product.

Ferrosilicon is considered to have good abrasion resistance, excellent corrosion resistance, relatively high gravity, and high magnetism, allowing fast magnetic recovery. The melting point and density of ferrosilicon depends on its quality of silicone and is relatively inexpensive in cost.

Uses of Ferro Silicon

It acts as a manufacturer of silicon alloys.

    1. It acts as a source of silicon that reduces metals from oxides
    2. It is used in manufacture of silicon, and ferrous silicon alloys
    3. It helps in manufacture of cast iron
    4. It also manufactures pre-alloys like magnesium ferrosilicon
    5. Malleable iron is modified with it
    6. It is used in a process called pidgeon to make magnesium
    7. For the manufacture of pure silicone semiconductor in the electrical industry and copper silicone in the chemical industry


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Ferro Silicon (FeSi) – Size: 10 – 50MM; 25 – 150 MM
70% – 75% 0.15% Max 1.5% Max 0.05% Max 0.05% Max

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